
After getting familar with the package by going through tutorial, you can try simple development tasks with this package.

Each of the task is a home automation senario where your application read result from one sensor and give commands to another device accrodingly. To facilitize the testing of your application, we provide ndn-lite-mock-utils to generate mock devices needed.

To generate a mocked smoke detector and a mocked alarm, you can use:

$ make TASK=if-smoke-then-alarm

And then the binary of the devices together with their credentials are ready to use in the same directory. The newly generated command_receiver can be used as the alarm, and sensor can be used as the smoke detector.

You can see the code and documentation of this library for more details.

Note: to prevent credential conflict, please remove all devices from the iot-controller (especially tutorial-app and tutorial-app-sub) as instructed in Quickstart Examples before you start these tasks.

Also, please use device-63884 credentials in the /devices directory of the ndn-iot-package-over-posix for your automation applciation.

Task 1: if-smoke-then-alarm (if smoke, then alarm)

Try to develop a if-smoke-then-alarm automation logic. There should be a smoke detector that publishes content to smoke service, and a alarm that subscribes to alarm service. Data published by smoke detector can be binary: 0 -- no smoke, 1 -- smoke. This application should subscribe content from a smoke topic, and publish command to alarm topic. Payload carried in command can be binary, too: 0 -- alarm off, 1 -- alarm on. Three identities are invovled in total.

Task 2: its-too-hot (if temp > 80, then air conditioning on)

Try to develop an home automation that control your air conditioner. This application should subscribe content from some temperature sensors, and publish command to air conditioner service. Whenever current temperature is above 80 degree, this application should try to turn the air conditioner.

Task 3: turn-off-when-i-leave (if no motion > 5 minute, turn off light)

Imagine users don’t want waste electricty for living room lighting if no one is active working/moving. This application should subscribe content from motion sensors in living room, and publish command to lights in living room. Motion sensor periodically publish binary states: active, inactive, on motion topic. Lights subscribe to command that carry the desired illuminance value (as tutorial-app we presented). Whenever the inactive states last for over 5 minute, this application should issue command to set living room lights’ illuminance value to 0. Our tutorial-app-sub is a good template to reuse for light logic, and you may need to implement motion sensor logic on your own.