Download and Build

We use docker container for development environment. If you’re on macOS, you can also use the Non-Docker build approach.

Docker image

A docker image with compiled ndn-iot-package-over-linux package can be used as the base development environment.

The image is based on Ubuntu. It contains all dependencies for this package, including dependencies for the Quickstart Examples. It is highly recommanded to use this image to save time for preparing the development environment.

To use the image, you can download the latest version using git:

$ git clone
$ cd ndn-lite-docker-image

To build the image:

$ docker build --tag ndnlite:0.1 .

To use the image for development:

$ docker run -d -p6060:6060 --name ndnlite-container ndnlite:0.1 #start the container with iot-controller on http://localhost:6060
$ docker exec -it ndnlite-container /bin/bash #run shell in the container

Non Docker Build (macOS)

Download the latest version with git:

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd ndn-iot-package-over-posix

Create a new directory and configure with cmake:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

build all examples:

$ make -j2

Instruction for developers

Compile the documentation with Sphinx:

$ cd docs && pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ make html
$ open _build/html/index.html