Publish/Subscribe System

The Publish/Subscribe system constitute the core of package. Principally, every application data exchanges should be wrapped into the Pub/Sub.


Topic definition is foundation of building any Pub/Sub system. In this package, Topic is defined as series of name components connected by /. Based on longest prefix match, a topic can also be a child topic, or parent topic of another topic. For example:


Child Topic

Parent Topic














In current design, topic hierachy has two level: room and individual device. Then an example mapping can be:


Child Topic

Parent Topic





Subscriber and Publisher

In this package, any instance that can send data to topics is publisher, and any instance that can receive data from topics is subscriber. A device instance can be publisher and subscriber at the same time.


If the data is reliably delivered is out of the scope of definition.

With a hierachical topic layout, subscrption to any topic is equilavent to subscription to the topic itself and also all child topics.

Subscribe to Topic

Equilavent to Subscribing to




Publishing to any topic is equilavent to publishing to the topic itself and also all parent topics.

Publish to Topic

Equilavent to Publishing on





API Reference

API for Pub/Sub should at least three pieces: #. Topic targeted #. Data structure for Pub/Sub event data #. Callbacks

In this package we extend above three into four by adding service, which could reduce subscription/publishing range by specifying a interested service from application. Pub/Sub event data is defined as the combination of data payload, data-id (to further identify a event data inside a topic). Data freshness period is also important, but can work with default settings and leave it there.

typedef struct ps_event {
    const uint8_t* data_id;
    uint32_t data_id_len;
    const uint8_t* payload;
    uint32_t payload_len;
    uint32_t freshness_period;
} ps_event_t;

Besides Pub/Sub event’s data structure, APIs are provided as follows:

/** subscribe
* If is not cmd, this function will register a event that periodically send an Interest to the name
* prefix and fetch data.
* Subscription Interest Format: /home-prefix/service/DATA/identifier[0,2],MustBeFresh,CanBePrefix.
* If is cmd, this function will register a Interest filter /home-prefix/service/CMD and listen to
* notification on new CMD content.
* Once there is a comming notification and the identifiers is under subscribed identifiers, an
* Interest will be sent to fetch the new CMD.
* Cmd Notification Interest Format: /home/service/CMD/NOTIFY/identifier[0,2]/action
* Cmd fetching Interest Format: /home/service/CMD/identifier[0,2]/action
ps_subscribe_to_content(uint8_t service, const char* scope,
                        uint32_t interval, ps_on_content_published callback, void* userdata);

The scope refers the topic discussed above. Inputs like "", "/kitchen" are welcome. *userdata refers to pointer to user-specified data structure which wanted to be thrown into the callback when triggered. Similarly, other APIs are provided as follows. Content and Command are treated separately also based on consideration of reduce the subscription/publishing range.

ps_subscribe_to_command(uint8_t service, const char* scope, ps_on_command_published callback, void* userdata);

/** publish data
* This function will publish data to a content repo.
* Data format: /home-prefix/service/DATA/my-identifiers/timestamp
ps_publish_content(uint8_t service, const ps_event_t* event);

/** publish command to the target scope
* This function will publish command to a content repo and send out a notification Interest.
* Cmd Notification Interest Format: /home-prefix/service/NOTIFY/CMD/identifier[0,2]/action
* Data format: /home-prefix/service/CMD/my-identifiers/timestamp
ps_publish_command(uint8_t service, const char* scope, const ps_event_t* event);